Hello friends,
I hope you are doing something nice this Easter long weekend. I am sending this email early as we are off to spend some time camping, swimming and eating with extended family which will be so lovely.
Here is a short breath work session for you to take over the weekend. I hope you can make the time to take it! It’s about 6 minutes long - think about the percentage of your day this takes up. What we gain from a couple of minutes of stillness, being mindful and connecting to our breath is worth the short amount of time it takes up.
I thought I’d share a few things I’m enjoying, reading, listening to, consuming;
Listening to, reading, watching:
Lizzie Lasater on Substack.
I’ve only taken her classes online, but I love the warmth and knowledge she has to share. Lizzie teaches the importance of rest and somatic self care. My kind of yoga! She is also the daughter of Judith Hanson Lasater, who is a long-time yoga heroine of mine.Reading:
What we Say Matters. Practicing Non-Violent Communication by Judith Hanson Lasater and Ike Lasater.
I have signed up to Jo’s upcoming online course Common Ground, to learn how to master hard conversations. I thought I’d read this book before to be prepared. I love chatting with Jo about this in conversation and very keen to learn how to put the skills into practice.Cooking: Harriet from Natural Harry sent a cauliflower taco recipe in her email this week. This one looks similar. Yum! I’m thinking of adapting this for a breakfast taco for my July yoga weekend?!
On my reading wish list:
Atlas of the Heart, Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience, By Brene Brown
With the common theme of communication on my radar I’m ordering this book. If we can name our emotions - or become more ‘emotionally fluent’ as Brene describes then we can connect with others, and ‘gives us the power of understanding, meaning and choice’Listening to: This podcast on non-verbal cues. Conversation with Dr Rangan Chattergee and Vanessa Edwards. Another source of knowledge on communication, this time non-verbal cues. Loved this!
Okay, that’s it for now! We are setting off on our seven hour drive with two children and a dog sitting on the back seat! Have a lovely weekend.
Thank you so much for reading.
Here are some ways we can connect.
- Join me for a yoga weekend in Yamba this July 1st, 2nd, 3rd. This is now full. Next weekend TBA.
- Join me online in my member area for some gentle guided asana, yin yoga and breathwork. You can try free for 14 days.
- I am (occasionally!) on instagram and resolving to post more often.
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